New eLaw Feature: Subpoenaed Records Tab

eLaw has been a reliable and convenient place to find all your court docketing information.

We’ve made it even easier to view what the court has received by type of records, date received and the facility through the subpoenaed records tab in eLaw. Want to get an email alert every time a record comes in on your case? If you are tracking cases with the eWatch program you will now receive email alerts when your subpoenaed records arrive in court. If you want this feature – contact us here.

The new Subpoenaed Records tab

Additional features coming soon for Subpoenaed Records, watch for update emails!

Some eDocket or eWatch clients will notice a slight price increase in their accounts as a result of our continuous updates and new feature launches.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call 212-503-6000.

*Subpoenaed Records are available for premium, eWatch, and eDocket clients.

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